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love for God

How much of our lives do we try to live apart from God? Jesus says in John 15 that he is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in Him and He remains in us we will bear much fruit. For apart from Him we can do nothing. At Abbas Family, the principal and central core of who we are and what we do overflows from communion with God. Connecting with God through worship, prayer, intercession, fasting, immersion in the word, and obedience to what He commands is the foundation of all that we do here.


Love for Family

How much of our lives do we try to live apart from God? Jesus says in John 15 that he is the vine and we are the branches. If we remain in Him and He remains in us we will bear much fruit. For apart from Him we can do nothing. At Abbas Family, the principal and central core of who we are and what we do overflows from communion with God. Connecting with God through worship, prayer, intercession, fasting, immersion in the word, and obedience to what He commands is the foundation of all that we do here.


Love for the church

The church is God’s means of building his kingdom here on earth. It is not a building. It’s a movement of God’s people and it’s designed to be outward focused. At Abbas Family, activating, equipping and partnering with the church is at the heart of what we do. Our goal is to see every member of the church working in harmony to the fullness of their capacity to bring God’s kingdom here on earth, as it is in heaven.



The Lord was constantly bringing love to those the world deemed not important or “too sinful”.  Isaiah 58 explains that we are to break the chains of injustice and forget not the cause of oppressed and that we are to Feed the hungry and look after the wanderer!  Here at Abba's Family we care deeply about coming alongside those that are hurting and lost. To love them and care for them in ways the world does not provide. We want people to receive the supernatural love of the Father through the way we show love to one another.


Love for the Lost

The Lord was constantly bringing love to those the world deemed not important or “too sinful”.  Isaiah 58 explains that we are to break the chains of injustice and forget not the cause of oppressed and that we are to Feed the hungry and look after the wanderer!  Here at Abba's Family we care deeply about coming alongside those that are hurting and lost. To love them and care for them in ways the world does not provide. We want people to receive the supernatural love of the Father through the way we show love to one another.


Everything we do at Abbas Family is guided by five central values each one building on the next. The foundation of all that we do flows from a love for God. Without intimacy and Communion with God, there can be no effective ministry. Jesus says that apart from abiding in him, we can do nothing. After that, we believe there is an order that God has established for the way that ministry is established. The first ministry God entrusts us with is the Love of our family. He adopts us into his family through a new Covenant and he has given us earthly families as a reflection of that. Love for God's family the church flows out of love for our own family. It is often hardest to love those closest to us, but this kind of refining, perseverant love is the kind that makes other kinds of love possible. Discipleship of God's people is something God has asked each of us to do. Finding the gifts of the body and equipping people to use them to prepare the saints for the work of ministry is at the heart of what we do here. Through Love for the church and discipleship, we activate saints to Love those who are marginalized. God's heart is for those who are outcast and broken. He is near to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in Spirit. As ambassadors, we seek to meet the needs of those who can't meet their own needs and equip others to do the same through outreach. Lastly, God calls us to reconcile a lost world back to him as his sons and daughters. He calls us to Love those who are lost and share with them the message of reconciliation through Evangelism.



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